Hey there! I’m Cassidy.
Not to sound dramatic, but freelancing has literally changed my life. Before I embarked on this journey four years ago, I was working as an academic advisor making $32k a year.
I loved the work I was doing, but the pay was abysmally low.
I had dreams to chase, y’all! Dreams of paying off my debt, building a financial safety net, going on vacations whenever I wanted, and actually enjoying my life.
That measly $1,700 a month I was bringing home after taxes, healthcare, and mandatory retirement contributions just wasn’t cutting it. 🙅♀️
So I started freelancing as a copywriter for finance brands. And since then, I’ve increased my income from $32k to $144k… all while working less and traveling more.

I help money hungry freelancers organize their finances + get rich doing what they love.
Money Hungry Freelancers was born out of all the questions I’ve gotten from other freelancers over the years…
Questions about how to bust through the fear and get started when you’re the one responsible for scary things like taxes and healthcare and finding work.
Through all of that, I realized one thing:
It takes a quantum leap of faith to start freelancing—especially if you’ve never done it before. It can be horrifying.
But here’s another thing I’ve realized:
If you have a solid system in place for how you’ll pay bills, manage money, and grow your income, the pieces fall into place.
You have a plan. And with that plan comes the clarity and confidence needed to chase your hungriest money goals.
I created this platform to help you track your finances + get organized. That way you can unlock the potential to live your fullest, loudest, proudest, richest life yet. ✨
A few fun facts about me
I’m a cat lady at heart. 😻
Meet Winston—the (un)official mascot of Money Hungry Freelancers. I’ve had him for almost a decade and he’s honestly my little BFF.
I love hiking and exploring the Pacific Northwest.
I grew up in Georgia where it’s hot, humid, and not much else. I’ve since moved to Seattle and absolutely love getting to explore the PNW.
I’m on a mission to make more friends.
I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone. In college, I realized just how introverted I was. Fast forward to today, and I’ve read a ton of books on how to make friends as an adult. And let’s just say… I’m on a mission to find my people.*
*I’ve discovered that my people = other freelancers and solopreneurs, hence this website!
I love dancing awkwardly in public.
There doesn’t even need to be music. If I’m excited, I WILL dance… even if it’s just some light jazz hands.🕺